Promoting Success and Wellbeing at the University of Akron: A Three-Year Repeated Cross-Sectional Study Examining the activities and mental health of students, faculty and staff

How To Apply

Interested in participating in this research project? Contact the professor or graduate student listed below.


Juan Xi, Associate Professor (Department of Sociology) |

Project Description

This study will collect and analyze data on the experiences of our campus community, focusing on mental health, well-being, and how these affect student’s academic performance and persistence. Online surveys will be conducted in the fall semesters for three years (2019-2021) on a sample of students, faculty and staff. The 2019 student survey has completed. Data are ready for analysis. This project has three main goals: (1) to understand barriers and facilitators of our students’ success; (2) to investigate the mental health status of students, faculty, and staff of the University of Akron; (3) to involve undergraduate students in questionnaire development, data collection, and analysis process of a real research project. Current Undergraduate Opportunities: You are encouraged to contact me for participating in the designing of the 2020 surveys and/or opportunities of using the 2019 student survey data to develop research papers for professional conferences.

Project Dates

Spring 2020-Spring 2022

Search Terms

Sociology, For Credit, Non-Credit, Non-Funded, Humanities & Social Sciences