Related to organizational behavior and human resource management, several ongoing research projects. Students will be involved in various aspects of the project, including design, data collection, and analysis.
Related to organizational behavior and human resource management, several ongoing research projects. Students will be involved in various aspects of the project, including design, data collection, and analysis.
Composite materials are commonly employed in modern aircraft structures and in many aerospace applications like engine casing, fan-blades, etc. This is attributed to their high strength-weight ratio and high stiffness-weight ratio, making composites extremely light, yet exceptionally strong. However, the use of composites makes them susceptible to damage, which could result in complex failure mechanisms like delamination, matrix cracking, fiber debonding, fiber fracture, etc.
The concept of biomimicry is solving problems and creating new opportunities through understanding and applying biological models. Very often, innovation inspired by nature and careful examination of the natural world are potential ways to seek solution to real-world problems. In this project, students will conduct experimental testing and computational analysis at Prof. K.T. Tan’s Advanced Metacomposites Laboratory to investigate the amazing structure of biological models.
In this project, students will conduct experimental testing and computational analysis at Prof. K.T. Tan’s Advanced Metacomposites Laboratory to investigate the amazing bone structure of biological models with flight capability.
The Personal Growth & Methods Lab engages in various projects related to one of three areas: personal growth, international student well-being, and data collection methodology. We are currently recruiting students to assist with projects related to the relationships among gender, empowerment, and personal growth.
Graphene, boron nitride, dichalcogenides and other inorganic 2D layered materials (2DLM) have atomically thin structure with unique electrical, mechanical, thermal, and optical properties, and have already been extensively explored for electronics, sensing, catalysis and biomedical applications. On the other hand, in the polymer world, there is an emerging class of 2D polymers with analog structure to 2D layered materials.
Release of phosphate-P immobilized in benthic sediments poses a remnant threat to induce harmful algal blooms (HAB) despite adequate management of external loads of phosphate. This process, referred to as internal loading of P, is induced by microbially mediated alternations of sediment and porewater chemistry and bacteria that “breath” iron are mostly responsible for controlling the release of P from sediments. We have developed an electrochemical split-chamber zero resistance ammetry (SC-ZRA) technique that we can use to detect microbiological activities.
Soft particle glasses (SPGs) are composed of elastic non-Brownian particles that are jammed beyond the packing fraction of equivalent hard spheres. SPGs show solid-like behavior at rest, and they flow when subjected to external stimuli such as shear deformation. Considering this tunable rheological property, they have been used as additives in many products such as cosmetic creams, hair gels, food products, paper coating industries, and recently it has been suggested that these suspensions can be used in the drilling muds.
The goal of this project is to document the perceptions and experiences with health, health care and interpersonal violence among female former prison inmates. Successful reentry of former inmates into society remains an important goal for community, healthcare, and criminal justice professionals. An important component of reintegration is assessing health, health care and interpersonal violence experiences among inmates during and after release from prison.
This study will collect and analyze data on the experiences of our campus community, focusing on mental health, well-being, and how these affect student’s academic performance and persistence. Online surveys will be conducted in the fall semesters for three years (2019-2021) on a sample of students, faculty and staff. The 2019 student survey has completed. Data are ready for analysis.
Our group has developed a rheological apparatus capable of sustaining spatial thermal gradients in shear rheometry. It is hypothesized that orthogonally superimposed thermal fields will produce linear, field-averaged rheological responses up to a threshold where anomalous, thermo-rheological dissipative phenomena will occur. The molecular influence of heat flow, especially at reduced dimensions, is from entropy production.
Our group has recently discovered a material system that potentially may have elastomeric properties. The Internation Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) defines an elastomer as a polymer that displays rubber-like elasticity, i.e. high viscoelasticity with weak intermolecular forces. We are seeking a highly motivated and ambitious student to assist us in exploring this material system for its potential elastomeric properties and to help us elucidate the rational design of such a material system through characterization of the material properties of various molecular constructs.
Peer mentors/research assistants are sought for the PULSe program. Those with ASD have particular modes of thinking and learning that is outside the realm of standard pedagogical practices. In the proper environment, these modes may help those with ASD to flourish. However, they are normally disadvantaged in basic learning environments. Academia is not wholly equipped to instill and help develop the necessary tools for ASD students to effectively function in society. Our aim is to bridge the learning gap.
Our group has developed a rheological apparatus capable of sustaining spatial thermal gradients in shear rheometry. It is hypothesized that orthogonally superimposed thermal fields will produce linear, field-averaged rheological responses up to a threshold where anomalous, thermo-rheological dissipative phenomena will occur. The molecular influence of heat flow, especially at reduced dimensions, is from entropy production. Translational and orientational motions evolve as a molecular compensation mechanism.
Helicenes are polycyclic aromatic compounds which are formed by ortho-fused aromatic rings that generate a non-planar, screw-shaped, three-dimensional structure that is inherently chiral and spring-like. The helical topology significantly contributes to the emergent properties of helicenes and has been garnering interest in the fields of nanotechnology, macromolecular and materials science.
Manufacturing new energy systems such as fuel cells, batteries, wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, and catalytic reactors require materials that may be (1) precious, (2) rare on the earth, (3) not available or easily accessible in the United States, and/or (4) harmful for environment. Therefore, recycling (separation and reusing) energy materials is important.
The Early Modern Recipes Online Collective (EMROC) is a long-term project looks to include scholars, students and the general public in the preservation, transcription and analysis of recipes written in English from circa 1550-1800. The ultimate goal is an accessible and searchable corpus of recipe books currently in manuscript.
This project looks to design new corrosion inhibitors through experimentation and computer-aided design. The undergraduate student will work with a graduate student, assisting them in performing experiments on various systems and in the computer-aided design aspects of the project.
Study is to investigate the effect of professional development participation on Head Start teachers’ growth related to Phonemic Awareness (PA) instructional knowledge and skills.
Psychotherapy process and outcome variables; Applied psychology experiences; Undergraduate student success; Infusing diversity and social justice material into classrooms.
Looking for a few good students to work on a research project. We need some dedicated students to help administer a lab study that we hope to run soon.
General Research Interest: I/O Psychology. Current Undergraduate Opportunities: Data Collection, Data coding, Data cleaning, Experimental Facilitating.
Research program focuses primarily on career development with a particular interest in the ways in which culture and social identities influence interests, choices, leadership, and educational and career outcomes.
Compiling and summarizing literature & data entry, time commitment: 1-2 hours a week. Current Number of Openings: 1
Understanding Motivation and Emotions in Call Center Work (Laboratory Simulation; Field Research at a Call Center Organization). Current Undergraduate Opportunities: Assisting in all phases of the research process.
Examining the relationship between benevolent ageism and gender on mental health outcomes in older adults; how minority stress (outness and internalized homophobia) in same-sex couples influences sexual and relationship satisfaction; how to teach about diversity topics at the college level; experiences of discrimination and acculturation in a lifespan sample of Bhutanese refugees.
This project entails developing plant based vaccines using smart genomics. Vaccines are essential for protecting all segments of the civilian population from pandemic influenza to other emerging infectious diseases.
The Joy Lab has developed a platform of polyesters and polyurethanes that are being utilized for the incorporation and sustained delivery of therapeutics. The undergraduate student working on the project will work specifically towards the synthesis of the polymers, incorporation of the therapeutic within the polymer and analyze the release kinetics. The student will gain experience in synthesis and characterization of polymers and in the analysis and interpretation of experimental data.
The purpose of this study is to develop a novel double network hydrogel that will be able to exhibit greater mechanical properties to become more applicable in the medical field will help to explore fundamental understanding about the double network hydrogel and materials to create it for future development.
There are over 300,000 miles of natural gas transmission pipeline in the US (Pipeline 101 see web addresses; P&GJ paper 2016). To meet the growing need to transport shale gas in the US, approximately 3,400 miles of new gas pipeline were constructed in 2015-2017 (ferc.gov), and that trend is likely to continue, as the US continues to develop as a major natural gas and petroleum exporter.
Our team has developed flexible, lightweight fabric materials that can selectively determine physiological information from sweat forming on the surface of the skin. The technology is the first lightweight fabric sensor to provide real-time information regarding hydration levels during exercise or training through selective determination of sodium ion levels.
Employing an in vitro swelling assay, cell volume will be assessed after manipulating CHDH and BGT-1 activity in hypertonic conditions to examine the direction of the fluid transport through the cell membrane by live imaging using confocal microscopy followed by analytical quantification of betaine.
What is the osmolality of CSF, extracellular fluid (ECF), fluid from syrinx in syringomyelia/PTSM rats? The fluids mentioned above will be harvested from the rats having syringomyelia, the osmolality of those fluids will be determined using osmometer. The study of osmolality of fluids will explain the potential syrinx formation/expansion mechanism.
Nanofibers have different wetting properties than glass fibers used in common filter media. Recent works with modifying surface properties of filter media shows non-wetting chemical coatings applied in striped patterns can improve performance of coalescing filters. The hypothesis for this work is the nanofibers which enhance wetting properties and droplet capture will similary improve filter performance if applied in striped patterns.
The formation of polymer networks inevitably introduces topological defects, such as loops. While these defects undermine the mechanical properties of the materials, they could also bring opportunities for the design of new materials.
Synthetic degradable polymers are of pivotal importance for recycling and sustainability. While the degradability allows polymers to be recycled, it can also cause stability issue, which impairs the storage and functioning of materials.
This project involves current work with Akron Children’s Hospital (ACH), and entails finding new and cost-effective ways of diagnosing pediatric sleep apnea using new tools such as low-cost Arduino micro-processors, new low-cost sensors, wireless technology, advanced signal procssing algorithms such Wavelets, etc. Selected students will work within a research group and may be onboarded at ACH so that they can help in clinical tests at the hospital.
The project will focus on the 3D printed polymer electrolyte and related lithium ion battery components.
Mechanical stress is ubiquitously present in materials and biological systems, and the force-induced bond scission and materials failure have been extensively studied. In recent years, utilizing mechanical force to do targeted and constructive chemistry, largely fueled by the concept of mechanophore, i.e., stress-responsive moiety, has become a new trend.
There are a variety of material and testing concepts being pursued for high temperature, extreme environments with stress for a number of advanced materials (high temperature ceramic composites and coatings) research projects.