The researchers use time, money and health as the basic individual/family resources to education university community to rethink the resources and survive the pandemic period.
The researchers use time, money and health as the basic individual/family resources to education university community to rethink the resources and survive the pandemic period.
The Personal Growth & Methods Lab engages in various projects related to one of three areas: personal growth, international student well-being, and data collection methodology. We are currently recruiting students to assist with projects related to the relationships among gender, empowerment, and personal growth.
This service-learning project will be conducted by The University of Akron coordinators of Service-Learning and will work with the local Enterprise branch and local United Ways.
The goal of this project is to document the perceptions and experiences with health, health care and interpersonal violence among female former prison inmates. Successful reentry of former inmates into society remains an important goal for community, healthcare, and criminal justice professionals. An important component of reintegration is assessing health, health care and interpersonal violence experiences among inmates during and after release from prison.
This study will collect and analyze data on the experiences of our campus community, focusing on mental health, well-being, and how these affect student’s academic performance and persistence. Online surveys will be conducted in the fall semesters for three years (2019-2021) on a sample of students, faculty and staff. The 2019 student survey has completed. Data are ready for analysis.
Peer mentors/research assistants are sought for the PULSe program. Those with ASD have particular modes of thinking and learning that is outside the realm of standard pedagogical practices. In the proper environment, these modes may help those with ASD to flourish. However, they are normally disadvantaged in basic learning environments. Academia is not wholly equipped to instill and help develop the necessary tools for ASD students to effectively function in society. Our aim is to bridge the learning gap.
The Early Modern Recipes Online Collective (EMROC) is a long-term project looks to include scholars, students and the general public in the preservation, transcription and analysis of recipes written in English from circa 1550-1800. The ultimate goal is an accessible and searchable corpus of recipe books currently in manuscript.
Study is to investigate the effect of professional development participation on Head Start teachers’ growth related to Phonemic Awareness (PA) instructional knowledge and skills.
Psychotherapy process and outcome variables; Applied psychology experiences; Undergraduate student success; Infusing diversity and social justice material into classrooms.
Looking for a few good students to work on a research project. We need some dedicated students to help administer a lab study that we hope to run soon.
General Research Interest: I/O Psychology. Current Undergraduate Opportunities: Data Collection, Data coding, Data cleaning, Experimental Facilitating.
Research program focuses primarily on career development with a particular interest in the ways in which culture and social identities influence interests, choices, leadership, and educational and career outcomes.
Compiling and summarizing literature & data entry, time commitment: 1-2 hours a week. Current Number of Openings: 1
Understanding Motivation and Emotions in Call Center Work (Laboratory Simulation; Field Research at a Call Center Organization). Current Undergraduate Opportunities: Assisting in all phases of the research process.
Examining the relationship between benevolent ageism and gender on mental health outcomes in older adults; how minority stress (outness and internalized homophobia) in same-sex couples influences sexual and relationship satisfaction; how to teach about diversity topics at the college level; experiences of discrimination and acculturation in a lifespan sample of Bhutanese refugees.
We are preparing and publishing scholarly editions of texts found in nineteenth-century Ohio magazines and newspapers. Volumes are published electronically and in print.